Holding Light and Darkness


There are times in life when it seems that I’m living on a see-saw.  One day, life is wonderful and I am full of energy and hope for the future.  The next thing I know, all I can manage is to keep putting one foot in front of the other. To keep taking one breath after another and having faith that this too shall pass.


The last month has been one of those times for me.  The night of the Paris attacks was the Opening Artists Reception at the first art show I’ve entered in San Francisco. A long-awaited night to celebrate community and creativity had also become a night of deep pain as once again we faced the affects of rage and hopelessness and asked ourselves “why?”


How do we do this?  How do we hold what feels like polar opposites and not tear ourselves apart? How do we remain present to the reality of our world AND not let the darkness overwhelm us?  The only answer I know is choice.   We have to CHOOSE to live in the light, to be the light.  It’s not always easy, but with every breath, I choose love.  Over and over and over again.


So at the Opening Reception, I shared the message from my painting, She Hears Our Cries.  It’s a message about light and darkness, about holding both and it brought great comfort to many who were there that night.

She Hears the Cries of the World


“Beauty in the darkness

Color in the night

I will hold your heartaches

I will bring the light.” 

from She Hears Our Cries, a message from the Black Madonna Holding Light and Darkness.



And then, I did what I came here to do.  I held space for the wisdom of each person who came to my booth, whether they bought something or not.  I helped countless people remember the truth of their own being and the gifts that they bring to the world. I received as much as I gave and I was grateful for every moment.


For me, the show was a HUGE success!  In addition to selling lots of cards featuring my art and poetry (many of which are now available through my Zazzle store!), I sold BOTH paintings I entered in the show by the end of the first weekend!!! That’s me above with Joel, the lucky woman who will take She Hears Our Cries home with her when the show closes at the end of January.  Somebody pinch me!


Alice Walker says that “hard times require furious dancing.”  For many of us, these are hard times.  So let’s do our own version of dancing.  Let’s choose love and light and COMMIT ART!!




Join me on December 13th at the Center for Spiritual Living Davis at Wisdom Wheel 2015, an afternoon of intentional creativity devoted to celebrating and honoring the past year and choosing the wisdom we want to take with us into 2016.


NO ARTISTIC EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.  Come create a visual representation of 2015 that you will enjoy throughout the years to come. Let’s dance! Let’s make light! Let’s choose love! Let’s commit art! Together. Learn more HERE.




Visit my NEW Zazzle Store where you can buy cards and posters featuring my art, including She Hears Our Cries


  1. Tina,
    I deeply love how you are making room for both the dark and the light. So powerful when we can do both. Glad to hear you had such success at the show particularly in holding The space for each person’s wisdom and truth.
    Here is to your continued success & prosperity as you share your gifts. With love, Joni

    • Oh Joni what a lovely note. Thank you for taking the time to comment – it warms my heart to know that my words resonated for you. It is a challenge isn’t it – holding BOTH the light and the dark. And yet, when we are able to do this, we recede so much more of the bounty that life has to give us. May the light in your heart warm you during this holiday season and into the New Year. Blessings. ?


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