Dear one,
Asking questions is like switching on our creativity and allowing ourselves to become explorers. It shifts how our brains function. That’s why two of the most powerful words I use are “What if….?”
Some people ask that question from the perspective of a victim, not a creative. In that case, it seems to me they are really saying “if only…”These are really different. Which one reflects you today?
When we ask “what if?” we are inviting ourselves to IMAGINE something different. The answer doesn’t always come right away or in the way we expect it. So after you ask the question, it’s important to PAY ATTENTION. Sometimes the answer comes in nature, or in a passing comment. Sometimes it comes like a bolt of lighting and suddenly you simply know.
If we remain open to ALL that life holds, we’re often surprised by what happens. What questions are you asking today?
Here are mine: How does it get any better than this? What else is possible?
With love,