Speaking & Media
Tina Greene is a dynamic and thoughtful speaker and talented musician who energizes the room, moves with the flow, and helps people find answers and practical solutions to the questions that challenge us all.
Tina has been performing and speaking all of her life. She has spoken and sung to diverse groups of people in equally diverse settings. From battered women to Boards of Directors. People living with the consequences of brain traumas to lawyers at national conferences. University graduate students to churches of committed spiritual seekers.
She is a favorite at Centers for Spiritual Living throughout Northern California, Sacramento Soultalks and Unity FM Radio.
In every setting, her goal is the same – to speak from her heart about what matters, to share the wisdom gained from her own personal and professional experience, and to provide practical and pragmatic tools to help each person more fully live the life they want to live.
Tina has a special passion for working with people in transitions (divorce, job loss, empty nest), helping them learn to trust their own wisdom so they remember these essential truths: If you’re breathing, you’re worthy. If you’re here, you belong. Your presence matters.
Let’s Connect
Whatever your goals, Tina can develop a talk that inspires listeners to move forward in a positive direction. If you’re interested in having Tina speak at your event or center, contact liz@tinagreenewisdom.com.
Mama Truth Podcast with Amy Ahlers
KVIE Documentary Living with Pain
Unity FM Interview with Maggie Oman Shannon – Creativity and Inspiration: The Awakening of Wisdom
Unity FM Interview with Maggie Oman Shannon – Creativity and Empowerment: If You’re Breathing, You’re Worthy
Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow Podcast with Joni Maher – Present Moment Living
Inspirational Speaking
Your Voice. Your Wisdom. Your Choice
Sacramento Soul Talks
Favorite Speaking Topics
Got Garbage? Make Fertilizer! We all have personal garbage that can keep us stuck, cause us suffering and blind us to our own wisdom. Pain may be inevitable but suffering is optional. We can reduce our suffering by changing our relationship to what causes us pain. In this talk, Tina shares practical steps for transforming your garbage into fertilizer that can enrich your life.
Honor the Slowest Part All of us are limited in some way in our ability to engage fully in our lives. Some are living with cancer, others with the consequences of a brain injury. Some are living as single parents doing their best to keep food on the table while others are struggling to move beyond the wounds of abuse. What is your slowest part? Rather than fighting against it, let’s explore what life might be like if we lived with it, if we “honored” the slowest part and discovered different ways of seeing its value in our lives.
Live Your 1-of-a-Kind Life It’s easy for us to look at a newborn baby or a beautiful sunset and revel in the beauty and perfection of life. The longer we live, the harder it often is to feel that same sense of gratitude and awe when we look in the mirror. In this talk we reconnect with the unique expression of the Divine that we are. Tina provides practical tips for remembering that truth so that each of us can claim and live our 1-of-a-kind life.
Why Me? “Why Me?” is a question we all have asked countless times. Often the emotion and tone infusing these words reflects a “victim” mentality– we wring our hands as we ask the age old question why? In this talk, Tina explores reframing our perspective so that instead of being passive complainers we can become active seekers, curious and in wonder about how our experience will play out in our lives.
For Churches and Spiritual Centers
Tina Greene is a licensed practitioner, favorite Sunday speaker and workshop presenter for Centers for Spiritual Living and other new thought communities and churches that embrace love as the answer.
Tina created and led the Vision Tree communal art project at the 2018 CSL Convention. The Vision Tree is an opportunity to bring into form our collective vision of a World that Works for Everyone. Tina also leads smaller Vision Tree workshops for individual centers to help them embody and live from their collective vision. You can read all about the Vision Tree process here.
If you’re interested in having Tina lead a Vision Tree Workshop, Intentional Creativity™ Workshop, or to come speak at your center, email liz@tinagreenewisdom.com.
Speaking Bio
Tina Greene is a life coach, inspirational speaker, licensed spiritual practitioner and certified Intentional Creativity® teacher whose mission is to help you discover your own voice and unlock the wisdom of your own heart. She has experienced multiple, significant challenges beginning at an early age and continuing through her life-changing head injury in 2011. Instead of living as a victim, though, Tina chose to learn all she could from life, always guided by the compass of her own heart. These choices helped her become the joy-filled, open-hearted woman she is today. Whatever your story or wherever you are on your path, Tina guides you to trust your own wisdom so that you can remember these essential truths: If you’re breathing, you’re worthy. If you’re here, you belong. Your presence matters. Find out more about Tina at TinaGreeneWisdom.com or on Facebook at TinaGreene Speaker/Coach.

If you’re interested in having Tina speak at your event or center, contact liz@tinagreenewisdom.com.