My Voice
There’s a voice inside me
Crying. Crying. Crying.
There’s a voice inside me crying
She’s crying to be heard.
It’s a voice that’s always been there,
Though she didn’t know how to speak.
And I knew not how to listen.
It’s time for us to meet.
There’s a voice inside me
Dying. Dying. Dying
There’s a voice inside me dying
It’s death will set me free
It’s the voice that’s always told me
Who I should be and what to do
And my voice was nearly silenced
‘Till I learned that I could choose
Now there’s a voice inside me
Singing! Singing! Singing!
There’s a voice inside me singing
I call her my own.
For I know now how to listen
And she knows how to speak
She leads my soul to freedom
She sings to me of peace
Now there’s a soul inside me smiling, smiling, smiling
There’s a soul inside me smiling
She loves to hear me sing.
~Tina Greene
This is an invitation to the voice inside you.
The voice that is longing to be heard.
The voice that leads you to peace and freedom.
It’s time for her to emerge from the shadows
and lead you where you long to go.
This is an invitation to you.
To release what no longer serves you.
To see your own beauty
reflected from the inside.
To trust your own truth, your own wisdom.
This is an invitation to life – YOURS!
An invitation to
start living the life you longed for
in the silence of your own heart.
Are you ready to claim the place in the circle of life
that is uniquely yours?
Are you ready to emerge?
“My Voice” emerged as I stood in the middle of a rushing river in Montana. It was the first “real” song I’d ever written and it’s still my favorite. Why?
Because it tells the story of my own awakening. The story of my emergence from the darkness of shame and guilt into the light of love.
I arrived in Montana newly divorced, with the self-esteem of a gnat. I had been living as a victim for so long I didn’t know how be any different. I felt isolated, powerless, drained, stuck in old wounds and old patterns.
Two years earlier, I had made the gut-wrenching – and life-saving – choice to end a marriage that was killing my spirit. My heart knew there must be a different way.
There had to be MORE to LIFE than THIS.
I sensed that I HAD THE ANSWERS I needed. I just wasn’t sure where they were. lol
With that one frightening choice, I began my own pilgrimage.
Today I am living the life I came here to live. I am the woman
I longed to be.
What made the difference?
I learned how to listen. To my heart.
And then I devoted my life to practicing.
YOU are invited to join me in this practice.
EMERGENCE is a pilgrimage
into the wisdom of your own heart.
A sacred journey for heart-centered women
who long to refill their cup
reconnect to their spirit; and
renew their love of life.
Are you ready to create the life you long for?
Life is too short to waste time being someone you’re not.
It’s time to EMBRACE YOU.
If any of this speaks to your heart, even if it’s just a whisper,
let’s talk and see if it’s a good fit.
EMERGENCE is for you if you are ready to:
Listen to that still small voice within that holds your truth
Trust your heart’s wisdom
Release the “shoulds” and anything else that no longer serves you
Live life at a pace that works for you
Through our work together, you will learn how to:
Experience a sense of belonging – to yourself first and then with others
Embrace fear as your teacher not an enemy to be conquered
Discern what is best for you at each moment- the ordinary and the extraordinary
Be compassionate with yourself and become your own best friend
Develop and hold healthy, respectful boundaries
A pilgrimage is a sacred journey.
Our work together is sacred work.
It’s what you deserve.
EMERGENCE is a 9 month journey that we take together. This is your journey. I am your guide as you explore what it’s like to live YOUR life, YOUR way.
Here’s what you receive:
An introductory laser LOTUS session to clarify your intentions and articulate your vision
Biweekly 1:1 60-minute sessions on Zoom to support your forward movement.
Specific tools for strengthening your own voice and accessing your unique wisdom.
Easy access to Tina for support between calls.
Other goodies that my MUSE brings forward without any warning!
Our pilgrimage includes three cycles that unfold organically through our work together.

We start with LISTENING. Using the powerful and simple LOTUS mindfulness process, you will learn how to connect with your heart and hear what it wants you to know. You will IDENTIFY and RELEASE the voices that don’t belong to you so that your voice doesn’t have to fight to be heard. You will learn how to RE-FRAME the painful experiences of your past so that they become useful to your growth and evolution.

Learning to speak your truth with clarity and confidence is at the heart of EMERGENCE. Yes, speaking your truth often feels vulnerable and can be scary. We protect that vulnerability with good boundaries and honor that fear by working with it not against it. By the end of this cycle, you will know how to discover your own truth and be more comfortable speaking it.

Creating the life you long for is possible when you learn how to trust your own wisdom and all the gifts you were born with. Trust arises from actually doing what you set out to do… over and over and over again. This is where the rubber hits the road and we integrate all that we have learned.
Emergence is a commitment. To yourself. To your unfolding. To emerging.
It is a commitment to be present, compassionate and kind.
It’s also an investment in your life. An investment that will pay dividends to everyone you care about, everyone you support with your time, your talents and your treasure.
A fully expressed YOU is the gift you give yourself and the world.
That gift is PRICELESS.
A few last words…
Regardless of what you choose to do with this invitation,
this is what I want you to know right in this moment:
Your heart doesn’t yell..
Or judge.
Your heart doesn’t belittle or beat you up.
Your heart is kind
It speaks softly and insistently of
Peace and Freedom
Love and Compassion
Joy and Discovery
Courage and Belonging
When your heart is speaking, you FEEL GOOD.
Expansive. Less restricted.
More joy and less pain.
You feel held in love.
Because you are.
There is NO RIGHT CHOICE. There is only YOUR CHOICE.
Drop into your heart. Listen carefully.
And then choose, knowing that you can’t get this wrong.
Are you ready to expand your horizons?